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由Locochameleon编辑: 2/26/2019 5:50:21 AM

Level up 2nd and 3rd Character quickly

So i just hit 650 on my hunter and want to level up my warlock and titan Quickly so I can do scourge of the past, but any tips on how to do that? I know 650 weapons in each slot will help out but any armour tips? Like will 650 hunter armour in another characters loadout help? As the game would read I have 650 armour on me but for the wrong character type, Anything like that?



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  • 由Chains编辑: 2/26/2019 5:54:13 AM
    For basic level use a fireteams medallion they increase exp gains and if you want it done quick play rumble the games only last 4 min or so. For light level I’d have no idea I just 650 from exclusively playing pvp from engrams and resetting valor.



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