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由Luigigod编辑: 3/9/2019 12:51:11 AM

My genuine feedback for this DLC.

Honestly I like this DLC a lot, definitely one of the best Destiny 2 has gotten so far in my opinion. That being said, I'd figure i'd give some of my 2 cents on what I, personally , think can be improved, AFTER i state what i think was good. - I enjoy what the Reckoning is, and it has matchmaking, which is something that people have been asking for. - Gambit Prime is enjoyable, and feels like a step in the right direction with Gambit in itself. - The Weapons look amazing (subjective). - The addition of more Perks feels amazing, with new things to try out. - The new Music feels upbeat and snazzy, which I personally enjoy, since it is different to the whole orchestrated powerful pieces, such as the last wish raid. - The fact that the play-styles are more fleshed out feels nice. - PvP feels more refreshing, though that feels to be expected. Alright, time for my Feedback. - I feel like more Year 1 stuff can be brought back. - More Vault spaces because I'm personally a hoarder. - Some exotic armor buffs to the ones that are not particularly used (I.e. Mechaneer's Tricksleeves, Wings of Sacred Dawn, ect.) Edit: Here's Some more controversial feedback., all of it towards Crucible, meaning it has nothing to do with the actual DLC of "Joker's Wild." - Add something to be done about Solo Players VS Stacks of players, whether it be having all players start out in the Team Chat, rather than the Fireteam chat, or simply have parties in group face identical parties (Ex. 2 stack + 2 solos would Verse another 2 stack + 2 solos). - Do something about the more Major Guns about Crucible that are in a League of their own; Luna's Howl, Not Forgotten, Wardcliff, ect. In a game with [b]Literally [/b] more than 500 weapons, Nobody should see more than 3 people each game with the same guns, it present game-play as [b]stale[/b], [b]bleak[/b], and other adjectives that are akin to [b]boring[/b]. - More counterplay to supers, so the options of winning a scenario isn't simply Team-shooting or Running Away.



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