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3/9/2019 11:27:24 AM

Unable to use fullsreen mode in Destiny 2

The problem is simple: in graphics settings in D2 I cannot turn [i]fullscreen[/i] mode on. It just throw be back on '[i]window in fullscreen[/i]' mode (or how it's called in English). I tried to delete files in [i]/roaming/Bungie/Destiny 2/prefs[/i], I tried to write a [i]-full[/i] and [i]-fullscreen[/i] in arguments in command line in launcher, I tried to launch a game through destiny2.exe, I turned off DVR Mode in Windows settings and turned off NVIDIA Overlay in GF Experience, and also tried to set up fullsreen mode in settings of Destiny 2 in GFE. Nothing helped. This problem is absolutely important in solving, because due to this 'window in fullscreen' mode I have enormous FPS instability: with the highest parameters of graphics with fullscreen mode I had stable 75 FPS, but with the same parameters and 'window in fullscreen' I have 50-75 FPS, which is unacceptable. In recent topics I didn't find a solution, so appeared it now?



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