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3/10/2019 11:47:12 AM

Your patch notes are a joke

[quote] Please keep the feedback coming. We definitely need to hear player reports to make sure everything is working as intended as well as your feedback to ensure we deliver the experience we all want Destiny to be.[/quote] You’ve been getting hit by tidal waves of negative feedback for weeks now on clear issues and negative features in your game that [b][u]NOBODY WANTED OR ASKED FOR[/u][/b] and yet you continue to act ignorant and blind to it Why should we have to suffer for your ignorance so that you can extend playtime by making us take on tedious tasks ,Not acknowledging a problem doesn’t make it non existent so stop being children about it The problems you listed in your hot fix are absolutely worthless and did not need mentioning on the forum ,Sure they’re fixes but you’ve got a real nerve to come in and say “We want the game to be the best and want the feedback to keep coming in” when you don’t communicate ,address or notify the community on anything that’s requested or asked for Your player base is decreasing by the day and quite frankly nobody is surprised so it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than just [i]Fixes for bounties[/i] to get people into the game again So get your shït together



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  • 由eff-s3v3n编辑: 3/11/2019 1:17:52 AM
    I dont like the new update



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  • I'm just curious who they think is going to be around to buy d3. D1 has 27 million accounts at launch. D2 had 14 million. Fanboy logic states "they will be back as always," but they aren't coming back. Now dedicated people are fed up. Who exactly are they marketing to?



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    4 回复
    • Nah. It ain't no joke. Jokes are funny. This isn't funny.



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    • PREACH!!!



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    • Of you'd like Bungie to hear and take action on any feedback you have, please join Twitch and become a popular steamer.



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    • I am now part of The Division exploring Washington DC.



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    • The 3 ppl left working on Destiny 2 are doing their best, leave them alone!



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      14 回复
      • 由AceMaverick24编辑: 3/11/2019 2:13:03 AM
        Bungie has for years been saying they are going to be more transparent with players and put out more information regarding current issues and future content. However, they still don’t communicate with us about the issues that are continuously brought up, nor do they give us a clear path to what the games future is or plans. Sure they release what they call a “road map” to future content, but it is completely generic with fancy nonsense names “Arc week ect..” with no descriptors or further info. I truly believe, if Bungie would just release more detailed information on what their plans are for the future of the franchise and what the ultimate goal is, we would all be more understanding and patient with current issues and aforementioned content. A fancy bells and whistles game trailer, a colorful and a fancy worded road map with pictures, and a few posts from Cosmo ect... isn’t real information that provided any substance to what the game is going to be or can be. It’s propaganda and a flashy sales pitch to get us to buy into the game and content that isn’t really what it appears to be. Destiny has a huge cult following and massive fan base that transcends into many people loving the game regardless of all of its flaws. I say this, because I am what you’d describe as “one of them fan boys” who loves the game and Destiny world. Destiny is my crux, it’s my vise, my guilty pleasure, or what ever you’d like to call it, to escape the stresses of the world. When I log into the game, I can get lost in it for hours. I love all things Destiny and buy all things Destiny. But, for the life of me cannot figure out why Bungie continues to be so distant and secretive with its future plans and content. With all of the social media platforms, streamers, instagrams, gaming blogs, YouTube, magazines and internet, Bungie has many tools at their disposal to release details regarding current player issues, concerns and plans. They on many occasions stated they would be more transparent and communicate with players, however they fail at every turn. If they would spend a little bit of time to explain what they are doing, what their plans are, what their thought process is on the decisions they make, updates they make, and changes they make, the community would be more understanding and able to see their point of view, and at that point either agree or disagree with said changes. But at least you’d know the “whys and how’s” other than simply assuming. You can google, research, type, search, watch countless websites and read blog articles, that offer no further details or information. Not even the bloggers, gaming magazine writers, streamers know anything. The more information, the more details, the more point of views shared by the content creators the better! The whole “we are listening, we are watching, we will pass on the info to the team” posts just arnt working. It’s a one sided conversation that leads to a toxic community that does nothing but vent to each other about issues, concerns and problems because we have no where else to turn. No where else to obtain further information and no where else to attain the info we all would like to have. It’s the blind leading the blind in these forums. Which, in part leads to a lot of toxic posts and distain. We all love Bungie and the game, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. But damn, this is so old and repetitive and tiresome with Bungie repeatedly releasing the same ole “we’re listening” garbage..... Gently stepping down off my soap-box now, carry on.... lol... :)



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      • They keep saying their listening. They aren't. They're not going to do anything unless it becomes a legitimate risk that their next major release is going to fail to move more than 600k product. They need to sell a few million copies even if they have no player retention... It's sick and pathetic but they don't see players as people, or human beings. They see them sorta like a farmer sees livestock. Farmers don't see their livestock like you see a pet. You care if your pet is happy, taken care of, a farmer only cares that their cows and pigs are fed enough that when they are butchered they'll produce enough meat to be worth their upkeep. Bungie is not, has never been, in it for the art, or for their players. They mock their players behind closed doors and even with their player numbers at an all time low across all platforms, they laugh their way to the bank.



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        2 回复
        • The games a joke



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        • I thought you were joking with [quote]Please keep the feedback coming. We definitely need to hear player reports to make sure everything is working as intended as well as your feedback to ensure we deliver the experience we all want Destiny to be.[/quote] but it's actually in the patch notes! XD ( I wouldn't be surprised if over the course of the last few months around a 1000 threads have been made to ask Bungie to remove enhancement cores from infusion. Yet, they don't do that and for some reason they do want feedback? :S Bungie: "Thanks for the feedback. We don't use it. Bye."



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        • 👆This 😐



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        • Patch Notes: 1. Everything is very broken. 2. But instead of engaging with the people who dare to question our authoritah we will only be conversing with the people who pretend not to notice. 3. Go to Twitter or Reddit for further instructions from on high.



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        • thank you. because of your feedback - in the Patch Note update:, - Two Tail Fox and Wardcliff coil will get a Nerf to carry only 3 x Max Ammo and a Range Nerf on Pulse Rifles. - Bows will Now Drop with Rapid Fire. - The Bumblebee Shader will automatically Delete itself and give you 1 glimmer. - One Thousand Voices gets a range nerf of 1000 feet. - Hunters Dodge ability will kill you when accidentally dodging into walls, caves, rocks, or any other solid object. - Kephris Horn will get an additional Horn for No Reason what so ever. - Changed the Color of the Bullet tips on Lucky Pants. - Savathun Song Strike will sometimes play in reverse, when this happens - Lore will drop pertaining to the Darkness. - Buffed Warlock Nova Bomb Damage (applicable to Shanks only). Patch Note 1/2._exe - Changed the Font to Italic. - increased the volume slider by 3. - Added Hieroglyphs as a subtitle and language option. - Nerfed Fusion rifle range to compete with shotguns, but decreased their charge time and doubled the damage. - Nerfed Submachine Range for no reason. - Increased Sniper Rifle Range with 12x Scopes. - fixed an issue in comp matchmaking where a stack team of 4, was unfairly stacked against 1 player. Killing that 1 player will now distribute the kills evenly amongst team mates. - Fixed an issue where a single players quitting games against 4 stacks, were not being penalized properly. - fixed an issue with Lunas howl where magnificent howl wasn't refreshing after a single kill, every kill while Magnifent howl is active will reset the timer back to 3, increasing its duration. (same applies to Not Forgotten) - Nerfed Service Revolver Range and Damage. Patch Notes_WH0_C4.R35 V1.10.1.69 - Slightly increased Shader size. - Changed Ikelos SG to Slugshot and reduced the Range by 30% and Rpm to 15. - Increased all sparrow speeds to 400 and reduced Sparrow Health by 50% to compensate for speed. - You can now grab a shank and throw it like a snowball. - Introducing burst fire on SMG;s. - Increased damage to all hipfire grip sniper rifles by 40%. - Increased magazine size for all Drop mag sniper rifles by 60%. - Linear Fusion rifles can now drop with Rapid Fire frame at the cost of charge rate. - Charge rate of rapid fire frame linear fusion rifles increased to 940.



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          5 回复
          • A few crying posts from entitled spoilt brats isn't really enough to make a difference. Bungie appropriately brushes those posts to one side. 👍



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            8 回复
            • The drifter held two closed fists out to the guardian. The guardian didn’t say a word; only nodding to the left. The drifter slowly opened both hands. Nothing was in his grasp. The drifter clapped his empty hands together. His laughter epic. Gambit.



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            • 由Buck编辑: 3/10/2019 9:45:55 PM
              My favorite was this: [quote]Director Challenges are dropping lower Power drops than expected We expected players to hit the minimum-reward Power bumps at ~690 Power, but they've been hitting it at 650 instead We have a fix ready for this issue, and we're working to ship this Hotfix sometime after we ship next week’s update [/quote] They have a fix, but dont want to release a hotfix in between updates. Why? To let us grind the same shit even longer....



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              7 回复
              • It’s really hard to take you seriously when you say nobody wanted it in the first place. so nobody means you and many others on the D2-[b][i][u]FORUMS[/u][/i][/b]:/



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              • Oh look, another unstable rant about nothing. Bungie is not making you play this game....move on already.



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                9 回复
                • Maybe you're too busy bitching nonstop, but if you've read any feedback the last few months, pretty much every change to Gambit and most of the design choices for Gambit Prime have directly addressed common feedback. Besides a few of the weapon changes, everything in the patch was community requested basically. Machine guns were overpowered, rocket launchers are way better now that you don't need cluster bombs and grenade launchers are relevant again. You guys are like SJWs. You act as if Bungie is some horrible oppressor and everything they do is to control or spite you, when in reality, most of what they do is because you guys requested it. Quit being a baby and move on if you hate everything so much.



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                  7 回复
                  • The problem is that you whiney little pissants continue to think that you are the majority when in reality you are the very small minority.



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                    8 回复
                    • 由Dubufu编辑: 3/11/2019 10:03:27 AM
                      Entitled re-tard post #108



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                    • 由CallMeCaira编辑: 3/11/2019 8:01:18 AM
                      It's kind of hard to fix a game if your community is demanding you turn it into a movie.



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                      1 回复
                      • Okay who cares just leave constructive feedback if the changes actually made that much of a difference for you. I can barely tell the difference with any of the changes



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                      • You can be as negative as you want, but when you rarely give good reasons for the negativity and no suggestions on how to fix what you’re being negative about? [i]How the -blam!- can you possibly blame bungie at that point[/i]



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                        11 回复
                        • You need Valium 😳



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