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3/10/2019 11:47:12 AM

Your patch notes are a joke

[quote] Please keep the feedback coming. We definitely need to hear player reports to make sure everything is working as intended as well as your feedback to ensure we deliver the experience we all want Destiny to be.[/quote] You’ve been getting hit by tidal waves of negative feedback for weeks now on clear issues and negative features in your game that [b][u]NOBODY WANTED OR ASKED FOR[/u][/b] and yet you continue to act ignorant and blind to it Why should we have to suffer for your ignorance so that you can extend playtime by making us take on tedious tasks ,Not acknowledging a problem doesn’t make it non existent so stop being children about it The problems you listed in your hot fix are absolutely worthless and did not need mentioning on the forum ,Sure they’re fixes but you’ve got a real nerve to come in and say “We want the game to be the best and want the feedback to keep coming in” when you don’t communicate ,address or notify the community on anything that’s requested or asked for Your player base is decreasing by the day and quite frankly nobody is surprised so it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than just [i]Fixes for bounties[/i] to get people into the game again So get your shït together



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