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由AltroGamingBros编辑: 3/19/2019 1:47:00 AM

Keep it Quick and Brief. (Warlock of Shadows Part 5)

“Now, REMEMBER! This time, don’t kill her again or you’re not going to like where it ends.” Sevestapol said as she glared at the Hunter that she had killed earlier. “Slayer” was apparently their title...she didn’t care all that much. “Yeah, I know that now. Having my throat slit by that damn Black Talon of yours was bad enough.” Slayer responded, having their hand cautiously on THEIR Thorn as well. While they were quite notorious and feared...Sevestapol was a whole other cookie, someone a bit worse. “Both of you, BEHAVE.” Sevestapol’s ghost popped up out of nowhere, glaring at them both. Sevestapol rolled her eyes, shrugging a bit. The whole threatening undertone to her ghost didn’t mean much to her. “One thing before we keep going...what about Ana Bray? How do we deal with her?” Slayer glanced at Sevestapol, raising an eyebrow with a bit of confusion in their voice. Sevestapol responded with a scoff. “Simple, knock her out for a couple hours. We won’t kill her because that’d probably piss off a lot of the wrong group of people.” Sevestapol replied bluntly. Slayer nodded as they kept walking along the sands of Mars and towards where that supposed grave was.



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