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3/19/2019 5:12:38 PM

Way Too Easy (WoS Part 6)

Sevestapol chuckled a bit, walking away as she had finished her job. Those two Hunters didn’t stand a single chance against her. “Drifter wasn’t wrong when he said that special...’mote’ was gonna make me unbeatable.” She smirked as her ghost popped up, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Well, it DID supercharge your light to ontological levels. Outright making you do feats that NO guardian should EVER be able to do. Like, no guardian should be able to tank golden gun shots. You should’ve been evaporated instantly! Same to what you did with that shadow shot arrow!” Her ghost was completely taken aback from the whole ordeal. Whatever power she gained was just...wrong. Drifter had given Sevestapol a misshapen mote that he had told her to use only in the most dire of situations. Which she did use when those two Hunters showed up. That...and she may have used a small percent of it to KO Ana Bray when she and Slayer came up against her. Didn’t matter, she had more work to do. A job for a certain ex-guardian...



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