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3/26/2019 12:46:03 PM

Make your case for KEEPING enhancement cores as part of INFUSION.

Not talking about master working. I personally believe that is where cores should be used, they should be a "grind" and while there should be a steady way to get them, they should be scarce. So we aren't going to discuss that here. I am curious as to why some people think they make sense as part of the general infusion process. Because IMO, based on Bungie's stated intentions, they simply do not work as intended within the system. The reason being, infusion, in and of itself is not "impactful", this mechanism has always been secondary to farming for drops. Always, regardless of the state of the game. Hunting for that specific roll, or piece of a collection has historically had the most impact on my, and a lot of other people's play time. Do you log in with the hopes of farming up X amount of materials, or do you log in looking to get something new? Do you get excited about your 100th pair of Scatterhorn gauntlets, or do you think, "man, I loved pimpin' out my gear to my own tastes", setting up looks and loadouts for each subclass. The people who say cores aren't the issue, don't realize that EVERYONE used to be able to do this, at will, based on what they wanted to use, when they wanted to use it. It was a CHOICE, not a chore. So I ask again, why do you think this aspect of the game, that honestly has nothing to do with progression, needs to be a chore? Cheers!



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • We've gone beyond reasoned arguments at this point, OP. But if you really want one, I would submit that almost every activity in this game has been complained about by somebody that it is a chore. Gambit, Crucible, Raids. People whine about not being able to get the rewards and all the things they have to go through to get them. The difference is that Enhancement Cores is a convenient scapegoat because people can't get the cores and run out of them too fast. Here are what I think need to be addressed to actually solve the problem of the frustration with enhancement cores, without getting rid of them: 1. Bungie needs to point out that the best way to obtain Enhancement Cores is by far by Obtaining more legendary gear and sharding it. [b]Spider is your greatest ally.[/b] You pour glimmer into his pockets, he gives you materials. You do his glimmer bounties to get it back. With those materials and more you get from planetary daily bounties, you turn most of them over to get rolls from vendors. Save some of your mats. Some people call this a work-around. I call it Tit-for-tat. 2. [b]Stop upgrading as soon as you get a power upgrade.[/b] Resist the desire to show off. Not every activity is power level enabled, so do your upgrades before you start those. Your maximum power drops are determined by what you [i]can[/i] equip, not what have you equipped. This problem is huge and people never talk about material mismanagement because we are used to treating everything like its as abundant as glimmer. 3. In the same line of thinking, [b]don't Masterwork everything you see.[/b] Masterwork things that are your go to gear when your team needs you to be at your best to make Orbs. Masterwork only your most important armor set for Raids or Crucible, otherwise you can wait. 4. In addition, realize the value that this gives to bringing more value back to varied activities that can take you to places that were irrelevant a year ago, when we had nothing better to do or save up for. Scrapper bounties also can be a surprise of where it can take you, and you can knock out daily bounties while you go there. Thankfully these are being changed into bounties with the Gunsmith soon, so you can choose where you want to go and when you get these. That's all I got.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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