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由Rheged编辑: 4/8/2019 7:49:41 PM

Re-introduce the real life seals.

EDIT: What I wanted has already happened and some wonderful people have talked me through how to get it. Thanks guys, have an awesome time! So I just found out via reddit that you could purchase a real life seal after completing it in game. And I really want my cursebreaker seal for my real life collections. Unfortunately these items timed out a week a go and I'm pretty demoralised, even though I just found out. I think it would be awesome if you guys at bungie made it so we could get the seals we unlock in game without a specific time period. It would be good for the community and of course the bungie foundation. I'm ready and willing to scour my email right now for the code and buy my hard earned real life seal right now. If any of you bungie guys see this, could you raise it and re introduce the seals again? If any of my fellow guardians made it this far into the post could you upvote and reply and maybe bungie will see this and maybe it could happen. I know it's a long shot but I would be pretty amazed and may even buy 2 even if I dont feel all that dredgen-ey I still unlocked it in game and it would be some pretty sweet memorabilia to commemorate all the wonderful hours I've put into d2 over the past couple years! Thanks for reading guardians.



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