So bungie have made the choice to disable the ability to get the Orbs of light via head shots in Raids and both Gambits.
Bungie either need to pull there finger out and fix the issue like the fixed the core exploit or they need to grant anyone who has yet to get the triumphs them for free.
Cause the gambit/crucible one was on paper a fair way to cover both pve and pvp players but with the removal of the gambit option bungie is once again forcing players who dislike pvp to take part in something they dislike to complete triumphs.
Yes Triumphs are more personal achievement. And I personal dislike PVP and I will admit I'm not good at it. But why should players once again get penalized due to Bungie inability to actually test things before launching them
Wait. They disabled the possibility to drop revelric light on Gambit and Crucible? This would explain why my meter for the triumph is stuck. Why would they do this?