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4/24/2019 5:33:35 AM

I can't snipe. DPS in Shattered Throne solo?

Thinking telesto hammerhead for vorgeth and jotunn hammerhead for incarnu



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  • If youre a Titan, use Voidfang gauntlets and a grenade buff. Just throw shields till everything is dead ^^ If you have a Sleeper,, use that for Vorgeth. Jotunn is good too, but slow.



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  • For Vorgath, Save your exotic for your heavy I’d say. If the machine gun nerf is as bad as it sounds, sleeper is the go to. Wardiff would also do a job. A void fusion or bow or even pulse for your secondary (I went with emperors envy myself). For Dul, risk runner did the job. It’s easy Prob arc conductor in that room, so you’re set. Ads aren’t an issue and The chain damage can keep the knights at around the same health until you’re ready to finish them off. Paired with a machine gun like hammer head or avalanche or 21% (my choice) for boss damage. Rally barricade or rift with lunafaction boots so you’re not reloading your heavy during boss damage is also a great idea.



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  • 由Lord Kielron编辑: 4/24/2019 6:21:08 AM
    13 sleeper shots takes down Vorg, as an alternate, as that nerf to machine guns hurts. A void bow is useful and takes witch shields off in 2 shots. Dul, it really depends on your class re setting up,



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  • For dul i used middle tree sentinel with doomfang pauldrons with revely armor with transcendent blessings and straight up clapped the knights and dul, for vorgeth same gear but if you have whisper or thunderlord they work well but other then that you can use pretty much any strat for vorgeth



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