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5/17/2019 6:10:08 PM

D2 PC freezing and crashing

Hi Guardians, For a while now I've had issues with the game visuals freezing, the sound carries on for a few seconds, and then it becomes unresponsive and crashes. As far as I know this happens irrespective of activity or load out. I've had it happen in basically every activity in the game, and I like to run a lot of varied loadouts. my specs are as follows: ryzen 5 1600x (not oc) 2x8gb ddr4 ram gtx 970(3.5gb) game is installed on an ssd playing on max settings. Any help is greatly appreciated :)



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  • Hey there, Appel. Thanks for reaching out to us for support. You may want to perform a [url=]scan and repair[/url] in the app to see if that may help with your issue. If that doesn't work, delete the following local cache/settings directories found in Windows Explorer: [quote][b]%APPDATA%\Bungie\DestinyPC[/b] [i]*WARNING* Deleting these will cause you to lose persisted settings, such as logged in users, keybinds and graphics settings in Destiny 2.[/i][/quote] The next time the game crashes, could you link me to your DxDiag? To find this information: [quote]• Press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “dxdiag” without quotation marks. • Click on “Save all information”. • Copy the text and use a text dump website (i.e. [url=][/url] or [url=][/url]) to paste the information. Please don't use Google Drive. • Create a link and post it here.[/quote]



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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