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5/25/2019 8:56:13 AM

(EU, Looking for raider's) United Nations are recruiting

Season of opulence is rapidly coming towards us and we as a clan have decided to open our doors to let all types of raiders to join us before the big day, why should you join us you may ask? 1: We stick together Have you ever had a raid group that you just fed up of or they just left without any attempts and wasting everyone's time... who hasn't these days. XD Well with us we will make sure it never happens again even if your new to destiny, since this clan we will give tips, tricks and load outs that will help you :) 2:We will welcome you with open arms Us guardians in the united nations have help plenty of players that have anxiety/ depression or even a disability and us as a clan don't want anyone to be left out because they feel that they will let the team down, we all make mistakes and we just laugh it off. if you join the clan and have any problems and you would like to speak to an admin (current active admins listed below) 3: Were here to compete Yes you heard that right, certain of us do love of competitive play like world's first raid race for a prime example and many people don't get the chance to have this opportunity because they either too under level or got no one to play. finally just enjoy being here: Us admins want you to have a great time here at the clan and we want you to enjoy the game as a whole and make new memories that you can treasure for the future since that's what this games about making friends, having a laugh and enjoy, also ever since we began to open our doors to the public it has been a rapid increase of people joining in and teaming up. thank you for taking your time guardians feel free to answer any questions and i will try my best to answer and if you want to join there be a link below, as well the link to the clan discord and i hope to see you in the clan guardians :) Clan link: Clan discord: Clan founder: SilentStorm#245221 Clan admins current active: Yookozero P.S some admins are currently converting form console to PC :)



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