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6/6/2019 6:35:41 AM

[xbox]Looking for a clan. - Lets get that jacket too :D

Looking to join a fairly active clan to do opulence stuff with and I’d like to do CoS before reset so we can all get the jacket. I really like this jacket an think its deff doable if we get a decent team together. Only kind of requirement is like a non-overly serious admin & discord. Was in a group where “violent memes” could get you removed. I like to joke around and have a dark sense of humor, so I deff won’t fit in with the woke clans. Idk, a group with a balance of good time F-ery and gettin things done would be perfect. I’m a pretty good PvE player, not PvP. Though if ppl drag me in an I play serious an not like a headless chicken I can do okay.



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  • A Fistful of Engrams is a new Xbox 1 clan starting up for opulence, recruiting active players! We’re a small but focused clan looking to increase our numbers. All of our players are active and do anything from raids to crucible to strikes to gambit. Our main focus though is conquering raids. We are primarily U.K. based and looking for players in or near the GMT time zone. But that doesn’t mean we won’t accept other players from other time zones if they fit in with our play times! Our raids are usually set for 7pm U.K. time and we generally do 3 or so a week depending on numbers. New or experienced raider? Doesn’t matter. If you’re willing to turn up with nothing but 12 bullets and maximum effort that’ll do for us! We’re all chill and like a laugh but do ask a few things from our members: 1. Having discord is a must it’s where we plan everything and chat 2. Have a headset 3. Be active - we would like our members to join at least one raid per week 4. Help your clan mates We’re here for our members for anything from how to get dem exotics to dishing out life advice - we got you covered bro! We are looking for quality over quantity players and don’t want to fill our roster with inactive bodies! If you’re looking for a close knit clan that play together and help each other and think you’ll fit the bill, message Aglaea03 or Blaze 24x to find out more!



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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