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8/22/2019 7:39:29 PM

What about the people willing to buy the space for D2's expansions and content?

I would not buy storage more space for my device


I would buy more storage space for my device


I would if it didnt exceed 250GB


Just stay the planned course and make D3


I read alot in the directors cut of constantly withdrawing the future events and streamlining things like gambit to keep destiny to a respectable storage capacity. My question is did you ever consider the userbase that would purchase storage space? Would you as a player do it? All consoles and PC are easily capable of doing it from our end, i cant speak from the server side and what bungie has which what i only assume is AWS scalable servers anyways. I placed a 250GB cap option based on it being on average less than 30 dollars at any retailer via amazon or microcenter etc. I mean thats cheaper than shadowkeep in itself [b]Non interesting part[/b] I would buy the storage space, you can have as much as your heart desires from me really, i know this isnt something shared commonly among everyone. Im just curious on gauging how everyone else feels?



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