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9/8/2019 5:21:02 PM

Have you ever done a Raid with zero knowledge?

Well, as the title states: Have you ever done a Raid with zero knowledge? With Shadowkeep just around the corner, I was wondering if I was going to be able to group up with a team that had yet to experience any of the encounters, while also possessing very little to zero knowledge about said encounters. In all my previous experiences, members of my team have had experience with the raid we were playing so there was a lot of carrying going on and help being provided which was fantastic, but I want to be able to try it at least once with absolutely no insight. So, if you have - how difficult did you find it to discover the appropriate mechanics to progress? How much time did you invest? Is it your preferred way to play? Or if you're like me, and haven't had the chance to try a Raid without assistance or preexisting knowledge, would you ever want to make the attempt without the help? Or is just being a part of the experience enough?



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  • My first VOG. I didn’t have a mic and we were a 5 man team. I’ve never been carried so hard and I thank those randoms for inviting me despite my lack of knowledge or any communication



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  • Nope



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  • Yes, my clan tries most raids blind. We aren't involved in raid races per se, and aren't that hardcore about it, but we do like to try and learn the mechanics ourselves. We completed scourge going in blind, but that is a pretty simple raid. That is very doable blind. LW blind was another story. We broke down on the plate room. We logged several hours on that encounter with a single run nearly working by accident (I can say that with hindsight as we didn't know how close we were at the time), but we really weren't making progress at that point. We resorted to guides for LW from that encounter on. Raids feels much more transactional if you know the encounters beforehand. As you learn strats the raid becomes more transactional anyways, so to me, it extends the life of the content if you try to figure things out for yourself. If you develop your own strats and naming conventions, prepare to shift when hopping into LFG for a raid as the community will likely settle on something different.



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  • Welcome to JacketQuest my friend---what you're describing is the Day-1 raid scenario. I've only completed a blind raid once, which was Crown of Sorrow in June. The mechanics were fairly easy, and my team just had to deal with being underpowered, but we got it done.



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  • Every raid in destiny1



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  • i have never had the opportunity as im always at work when they drop, then when i get on ppl are allready discussing it. thus changing the no knowledge aspect.



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  • I know people who've done 10 raids and "zero knowledge" still applies to them.



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  • I cleared EoW blind, Leviathan blind (except for calus), And CoS blind in D2 In D1 I only completed Wrath and Kings Fall blind. By blind I mean none of the fireteam had watched videoes on how to do it.



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  • I would certainly like to once I move to PC. I’ve seen several YouTubers do it (Yes yes I know, ConTeNt cReAtoRs bAd) and it looks really fun.



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  • Not in D2, have D1 though.



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  • D1 VoG Got a random Tower invite from some guy putting a team together. Had never touched it before or seen any videos. Just played follow the leader and made it through.



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  • Did for crown, we only got past encounters 1 and 2



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  • Yes every d1 raid I completed day 1. -blam!- d2 it sucks balls.



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    1 回复
    • VoG and Crota.... good karma to the sherpas that took their time once they saw I wasn't awful



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    • VoG and Crota back to back blind. Glad I had a good team



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    • VoG



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    • Hah! Just this past Saturday I did Last Wish from start to end with zero exp. The guy took the time to explain every encounter and now I have a decent understanding and will try it again this week.



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    • Hell no. My friends play other games, and I'm not going in blind with randoms.... I'm talking d1 raids. Haven't touched D2 raids.



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    • My first kings fall I had no idea what I was doing. Every room I just said "where do you want me" they placed me on a side and I killed things. Slowly worked out what I needed to do. Died a lot, but never died I used to raid regularly in D1. Not completed 1 in D2. Just no point. Will see if that changes in shadowkeep.



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    • I was underpowered for Vog and Crota's end on day 1 It was crazy tough just trying not to die. Lost in the dark, endless thrall... I haven't gone in like that ever again. Nobody is crying the games too easy first day of a new raid.



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    • I believe that most in the community call this a blind run. I have trouble beating the raid the first few times even when we have people that know what they are doing. Doing it blind is almost not possible for me with a team of blind runners too. If you are good at solving problems with minimal clues and are good at killing ads at a challenging level (at the same time), doing a day one blind run could be fun. I'd suggest finding 5 others with a similar time commitment and skill set. Probably want to put 24 hours aside to beat it blind, most of the worlds firsts have been beaten in that time frame.



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    • My very first VoG clear was with a group that had started the raid 1 guy short. I jumped in and helped clear the 1st part to enter the VoG and received an invite to join. ( Sure the fact that I had Gally didn't hurt ) Was such a great experience, Vault of Glass was and still is in my opinion the BEST raid ever in Destiny.



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    • I did in D1 but not in D2. In D1 there was generally not the sense of urgency that is very prevalent now - I think that was partly due to less streamers covering the game (or potentially less people looking to YouTube for that sort of thing). D1 to me felt on the whole more exploratory- more about the journey rather than the result. D2 is how fast/easiest cheese/shortest route from a-b. Which I get - as people seem to have less time available for these things (or perhaps less tolerance). We seem to know everything in advance these days (complete set of armors shown in TWAB) and we have dataminers examining every new update for hints of upcoming content. It’s just expected that you watch a vid and are familiar with the mechanics - that expectation is pushed as much by the community as it is by the content creators. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy some of the transparency & the great communication we get now but I do nonetheless miss that sense of exploration I must admit...



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    • I had done Wrath of the Machine blind, was one of the best experiences I've had in this game. Almost beat it day one, went back next day to finish up, but we did need help on the last phase II battle. Tried Leviathan blind, but we just didn't like it, and when we tried to go back in without the save point, we just said screw it.



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    • My friends and I went into Last Wish blind, and we were figuring out the mechanics fairly easily until we got to the Vault. Then it was like we hit a brick wall. After numerous failed attempts with no real progress on figuring out what we were doing, we decided to watch a video on how to match the orbs to which plate.



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      • For leviathan I watched youtube video. Learned not much, the real deal is very much different than video. Others I have done blind and were thought during the raid/lair. Much better experience..



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