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由DarthSmurfX编辑: 9/16/2019 7:38:59 PM

HELP! 3 Things I Can't Figure Out How to Do

So I've been playing Destiny 2 on and off since launch. I barely played Mercury because I thought it was the most boring DLC I've ever played and I didn't buy the Season Pass until it went on sale recently. But I'm excited for October 1st and I've been playing catch-up. I'm trying to finish off as many quests as possible and watching YouTube videos on how to do these things, but many are outdated and I can't finish or start certain quests. If anyone can help out, that'd be awfully swell. Here are the 3 things I can't seem to do: [b]1. Mercury's Weapons Forge.[/b] I read that you have to complete the main missions, which I did at launch and then do ONE Hard Mission and Brother Vance will give you the first step. I did all 3 Hard missions and nothing. Is this something I can never do now? [b]2. The Truth Quest.[/b] I read that you get this mission in a chest from the Menagerie. I've done a few... nothing. Do I just have to keep doing this until it drops? Do I need to do something else first before it'll appear in the chest? [b]3. The 3rd Seed of Light.[/b] I guess you are supposed to get this either by doing a Raid (never going to happen for me) or get the quest called Between 2 Worlds, do some Blind Wells, then go to the Observatory and a portal opens after presenting your offering. I did it last week—nothing. I did it this week—nothing. Is this something that can only be done at certain times or is it just gone?



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  • New Question: How do you tell who the Menagerie boss is each week? I assume they rotate, right? If I want Arunak, do I have to waste a run to find out?



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  • 由Times Vengeance编辑: 9/16/2019 7:44:43 PM
    Hello. 1. You need to complete the Curse of Osiris campaign, each adventure on normal, and one adventure on heroic difficulty before Brother Vance gives you the first Prophecy. 2. The Truth quest is a guaranteed drop; however, it only drops from the chest after defeating Arunak, the Ogre boss. 3. Yes, it drops from the first encounter of the Last Wish raid. As for the Seed you can get from the Offering, the portal only opens during a full curse week. That would be next week and every three weeks after that.



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