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9/19/2019 11:05:53 AM

Heroic adventures Not appearing for Flashpoints

The first time i noticed this was about 3 weeks to a month ago when there was a Flashpoint on nessus and no heroic symbol appeared on the map or at Failsafe. So i was like cool these things must be exclusive to DLC planets like mars and mercury. Then i go through the triumphs and see that's not the case at all. I assume it was bugged for only that week, cool decided it might be fixed at some point, let it be. This week the Flashpoint is on titan. Nothing appears, there are no missions to pick up and I'm left clueless as to what exactly I'm meant to do. I have done all the story missions, all adventures are complete. There are no symbols left on my god damn map. Searching the web for answers did absolutely nothing to assuage me that this was meant to happen or that there was any actual solution.



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