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由ECDarkMatter编辑: 10/2/2019 12:15:28 AM

Bungie, Can You Update Previous Endgame Rewards

Dear Bungie, Early in Destiny 2's gameplay I grinded Trials of the Nine hard, and managed to get great gear and a flawless at least once. I'm sure others were also very proud of achievements similar to this. However, this gear has been left in the dust for awhile now, but is now being completely thrown away with the release of Shadowkeep's armor 2.0. Would it be possible to update this armor so veteran players can show off their past achievements, or at the very least have this armor changed to a cosmetic like that of Eververse items? I'm not sure if this is the correct platform to seek audience with Bungie team members, but I'd hate to lose armor I had been striving so hard for the sake of new mechanics.



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