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10/7/2019 5:56:41 PM

Nickname Censorship System

[b]Hello everyone![/b] I have a question about this game. [b]Really important question[/b]. As I had understood, this game has a [b]Nickname Censorship System[/b], which should censor bad words in players' nicknames. It's a good system, I think, but not the best. What do I mean? Well... My nickname is [b]"Commissar Butterbrot"[/b] and it contains two neutral words: "commissar" and "butterbrot" ("sandwich" in German). [b]And there is a problem: Nickname Censorship System censors parts "commi" and "butt", so in game my nickname looks like "*****ssar ****erbrot".[/b] Actually, that's an annoying thing because your Censor Algorithm censors two good words. I won't change my nickname because it's part of my network personality. [b]I offer you to improve your Censorship or add words "commissar" and "butterbrot" as an exclusion.[/b] I hope, you'll deal with this problem, because [b]I really like to push ****ons while playing "Destiny 2"[/b].



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