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由Larsenic17编辑: 10/30/2019 7:20:05 PM

Hunter deserve really a nerf .. 0 fun in Momentum Control

It's anything pvp against a hunter .. already having the best exotic mobility armor for the pvp .. I knew that the hunter's Subclass NightStalker was powerful but in The Crudible in the new Momentum Control mode they stay stooped in a corner and do their kills at the Scout Rifle AND ENJOY A INVISIBILITY AND A PURE VISION so they make multiple Kills without being challenged because they see us coming through the walls .. the hunters for them noob by exellence



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  • Stop complaining. Every class has a ability that makes it stand out over others. And its amusing because you main a titan, the most OP class in PvP and formerly in PvE. You have a helmet that grants an overshield every kill and a helmet that gives you unlimited one shot shoulder charges. I have all 3 classes and i can say there is no class better than others, just some classes are better in certain portions of the game. Don’t hate on the hunter because you can’t play on one, because tbh they are the most nerfed class of the three



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