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由Acos编辑: 10/31/2019 9:23:04 PM

IZANAGI'S BURDEN PSA: Do NOT insert your Black Armory Key or any Forge keys in the Box!

TL;DR: Do not insert your forge keys or the Black Armory key. They are bugged and you WILL lose all the progress. This is what it looks like: (Credit to user Faggio: Hello everyone. I previously made a post ( outlining my experience with the Izanagi's Burden exotic sniper rifle's questline, the Lock and Key. For those who are worried about their rare BA bounty expiring, here's what I did: Complete it, but don't hand it in. Meaning, keep it ready to hand in with the exclamation and all, but just don't click it to receive the rare BA reward. This way, it removes its expiry and keeps it in your inventory indefinitely. When you get the quest step reward for the Obsidian Crystal, accepting this after that quest prompt will reward you with the Obsidian Crystal despite having outlasted its initial expiry. Please let others know before their rare BA expires! Bungie recently provided a fix for the questline where some players are able to obtain the Black Armory Key mold queststep from Ada-1 after having already obtained 3/4 of the locks (missing the Black Armory key lock only). Unfortunately, after having completed the Bergusia forge and obtained the Black Armory key from killing the 2 drones and opening the final post-boss chest, I lost both the key and the progress it should have given me. Now, I am back to the situation as before as per my first post about not being able to obtain the Black Armory key mold questline... It seems that while Bungie had the intention to fix the questline, they instead opened a can of worms. What are the worms, you may ask? Worm 1: Players who discarded the box, re-aquired it, and tried to get the keys again are unable to insert the keys (Keys lost, no progress made) Worm 2: Black Armory Key is lost upon being inserted, and is thereafter unobtainable even after re-doing the Bergusia forge and getting the loot chest. (Black Armory Key mold quest step unavailable... AGAIN) Worm 3: Players who somehow, God knows how, managed to progress past my step and had to get the Obsidian Crystal from a rare BA bounty were unable to use the Crystal to progress (Progression impossible, crystal and hours grinding for the rare BA bounty both lost) Worm 4: Players who had the Black Armory Key mold quest step on another character other than their main Lock and Key quest step holder are unable to progress. Worm 5: Players, despite being able to re-obtain previous keys (such as the Butterfly key), are unable to insert the key into the Lock and Key box to get the progress for said key. (Credit: User Orioniys) As for Bungie, I beg you. Please fix this quest. I was actually excited to play D2 today after seeing it was Bergusia (the forge I needed) and I was immensely let down. A lot of us have been working hard towards the absurdity that is the Izanagi's Burden's questline. If there is to be lore about this gun, it has to be this quest. This is the burden in and of itself on the players having a modicum of hope in obtaining it. These are some of the worms I have found. If anyone has found any other problems with this, or possibly a potential fix, please discuss below.



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  • September 2020 and I lost my key after inserting too. Now I cant join groups doing raids or master nightfall because they REQUIRE you to have this gun. Steam is already horrible to even get a group because it is complex to LFG. You fkd me, I AM NOT BUYING YOUR SHTTY EXPANSION NOW. Good bye for good Bungie, cant fix a 2 year old glitch, fk you.



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  • This is bullshit, if you can not code the game to work properly... make it up to your player base! Once again this is BULLSHIT! Your team made us wait forever to advance in the quest past the bugged key mold quest, then we use the key and it disappears? Quit wasting our time and just give the effected people the damn gun! YOUR TEAM AND COMPANY NEEDS TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR ITS FAULTS, ITS CALLED BEING PROFESSIONAL! I have never purchased silver and definitely will not sink more $$ into this crap when Bungie can not be accountable for its -blam!- ups. Yes this is one quest, but people won’t even do the new raid with you if you don’t have the damn gun. BE ACCOUNTABLE BUNGIE



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    2 回复
    • Too late for "Me Too"!!! Lost a key and found this thread. I think I'm going to delete this anticlimactic waste of time quest 😕



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    • Can confirm still broken. Wish bungie did a PSA on launch of the game for people with the mission enabled or something. Just lost the black armory key when using it thinking it was fixed in last weeks patch.



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      1 回复
      • You’ve got to be kidding me!! After reading they fixed this, I’ve been making progress towards the black armory key, finally got to the point where I had to complete the Bergusia Forge, which I had to wait three days for, because now each forge is on a daily rotation (which is completely ridiculous in and of itself) completed it, got the key, inserted it and its gone. Only after googling this just now, I find that the quest is still broken in new ways...and here I am writing this F’ing comment. Seriously Bungie...WTF? How do I get the forge key quest again? There has to be a log that said I just completed this step, am I going to get credit for this? has Bungie announced what they’re going to do for players who lost steps due to their BS bug?



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      • Bungie I need my black key back so fix this quickly .



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      • 3
        Yup, just like everyone else I inserted the key then bam, gone. This quest seems to be 'burdened' with issues and has made a quest that should've taken less than a week take far, far longer.



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      • Aw man... Of course, as soon as I finished it and nothing happened, I find this thread here....great...



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      • So what happens to us who inserted the obsidian crystal?



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        3 回复
        • Fack me. Like everyone else - I didnt google the issue until AFTER it ate my key.



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          1 回复
          • Great. I finally get the black armory key and then had the misfortune of stumbling across this bug. So what happens to us after they fix it? It's great that this sort of stuff isn't conveyed to the casual player base, because then I might have actually known about this bug beforehand and managed to avoid it. You would think a bug this lethal to a quest would be caught before release.



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            1 回复
            • I had heard that the bug was fixed on Tuesday and put all 3 of my forge keys into the box.... wish I had paid more attention to the status of this bug.



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              4 回复
              • I FINALLY got my black armory key, and then inserted it... aaaand now I lost everything. Be nice if these bugs would be public knowledge without having to go search for it. Such a game breaking bug should not even have made it to prod, I don't understand how such a huge thing could have gotten out.



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              • 由Razgriz编辑: 10/31/2019 6:20:25 PM
                Just happened to me as well, this is getting old. Lost the black armory key upon trying to insert it, no way to reclaim it or make progress forward, although it seems the step after this is bugged too. Bungo pls



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                3 回复
                • I lost my final key is there anyway to get it back bungie???



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                • 由Steamboat编辑: 11/1/2019 5:10:13 AM
                  I wish I had known about this before I had to look up why my quest had not progressed. Somewhat irritated that I managed to get the 4th key only to have it disappear. I enjoy the communication in the patch 2.6.1 notes on 29 Oct 2019 - * Black Armory (Misc) * Fixed an issue where players could not acquire nor complete the Key Mold quest for Izanagi’s Burden



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                  1 回复
                  • So I just want to make sure that I have this documented so I can get credit for doing this long and time oriented quest line. I was really excited to finally be getting this rifle only to be blocked out of the best dps weapon for the raid again.



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                  • 由BNGHelp7编辑: 11/1/2019 4:41:49 PM
                    Hi there, [quote]We are aware of new issues regarding the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden and are currently investigating. Players are encouraged to not use their Obsidian Crystals or Forge Keys until this issue has been resolved.[/quote] Edit: [quote] Issues preventing players from completing the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden are expected to be resolved in Destiny 2 Hotfix next Thursday. We will broadcast deployment timelines for this hotfix when they become finalized. [/quote]



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                    66 回复
                    • The part that upsets me is that it's a must-have snipes for the raid. Makes it 20% easier.



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                      1 回复
                      • If you go to Ada-1 after you insert your third key, regardless of whether it registered or not, she will have the quest for the key mold ready for you.



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                        1 回复
                        • [b]Nov 4, 2019[/b] - Just did the "[b]Izanami Forge[/b]" 3 times! 1st time got the key, used it but no progress at all! 2nd time got the key, same result. 3rd time got the key but kept it, not going to "[b]Insert[/b]" it because for now "[b]Insert[/b]"ing the key makes it vanish! BUNGIE NEEDS TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE ASAP! :(



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                          3 回复
                          • I've been trying to use the butterfly key and it is not working as well. I've tried at least 4 times. Really annoying.



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                          • Recently discovered - if you have any completed bounties in your inventory, turn them all in before trying to use the key. It works.



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                            2 回复
                            • Im a f2p player and I dont know if I can obtain this weapon.. I have 3 of the keys from the forge but I dont have the box.. I know Ada-1 give it but only if you have forsaken.. So why can I obtain the keys when the box is only for forsaken???? Is there any other way to obtain the box trough a mission or a bounty or something free? Thank you for helping me



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                              1 回复
                              • They should fix it im new and was grinding for hours just to find out i cant get any farther with this quest so im praying they fix it so i could enjoy what i paid for



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                              • This is not cool, people sink a lot of time into these quests and a bug causes us to lose not an item rather HOURS/DAYS of our time. This is truly not cool and your NO REIMBURSEMENT policy is truly dishonorable and unprofessional. I don't care about the item lost I care about sinking time into a game that should be well into GOLD and not have to worry about completely wasting my time with broken game play. FIX THIS and FIX the wrong you caused to a bunch of folks.



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