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由LeVante编辑: 8/23/2019 3:55:47 PM

Luna's Howl is still a problem top of the meta

Nothing has changed, the nerf improved things just a tiny little bit...but as you can clearly see from the stats Luna's Howl is once again top of the meta by a long mile and [b]once [u]AGAIN[/u][/b] it's mostly a handcannons meta. I'm really sick of this, with very few exceptions (a handful) almost every single time it's either Luna's Howl or Last Word or Not Forgotten or Trust or Service Revolver. Why do handcannons have such a privileged position in Destiny PvP? It seems like the sandbox team doesn't care about getting diversity in the crucible. There're such a potentially good weapons out there and yet the truth is that handcannons are favoured, it's too easy to get kills with those handcannons. I'm definitely far from being a handcannon fan and yet once I had the Luna's Howl it was EASY MODE ON. Easy! So steady, little or no recoil and huge damage even at silly range. I was stupidly getting kills even when I was drunk. Bungie needs to do a better job to offer equal opportunities to different weapons. I'm so sick of seeing Luna + Dust Rock Blues all the times. The Crucible is literally full of hunters which spam 3-tap handcannons and slide everywhere shotgunning. I personally no longer use it and I decided to snipe more (something that's actually challenging and rewarding).



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  • 由Haunter编辑: 8/23/2019 4:55:47 PM
    Stop crying, the gun is a 150 rpm that perk has already been practically neutered, all 150s 3 tap and the only advantage you gain is the body shot damage. This is a pinnacle weapon and should feel stronger then normal ones. Hand cannons sit at the revered slot because they are the hardest primaries to use. Spraying forgiving autos or pulses or sitting at the back of the map with scouts vs risming close range fights where missing a shot means you're dead should be rewarding. Also I love the clan: "Mind over meta" While rocking a one eyed mask titan + recluse + wardcliff and bygones with super mods. Its obvious you likely cant use cannons skillfully and 3xpect bungie to change things that arent broken because you take personal issue with not being able to use them #HonestTruth



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