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11/3/2019 11:32:59 PM

Tips for buying a gaming PC?

Thinking about making the switch sometime later this year. Maybe even not until mid-to-late 2020. I'll still maintain a console (likely PS), but I think I'll have a PC in place of whatever console Microsoft releases next. Thing is, haven't owned a desktop in ages, and I'm thinking about getting a mid-level gaming PC or putting one together on my own and using a TV setup with a gaming controller. Any tips for which route would be best? Which manufacturers are the best for graphics cards and what not? Reasonable price ranges for parts?



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  • Do research into what parts you're looking for, and if anything, Craigslist helped me get the parts for the one I'm using right now. I'm still going 6 years strong without replacing anything. It can't play modern games in ultra max 4k HD, but it plays the games I like on high settings.



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