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由Chibbs编辑: 11/9/2019 7:19:04 PM


I'm personally loving the new armour 2.0 system BUT ......... I hate the fact that I can't wear the armour I want to. This is a HUGE issue, We can't make our guardians look how we want to without the sacrifice of good stats. Honestly this kinda needs to change, currently you can only wear Iron Banner or Dreambane stuff you get from to new dungeon and the new raid, I've had some decent stat totals on some year 1 raid gear but nothing consistent. We need an item the allows us to infuse the stats of a piece of armour into another, OR allow the upgrade module to do this and give us a choice to either infuse the power or the stats. This feature would straight up improve the game for everybody and it wouldn't affect gameplay at all. I miss year 1 where everyone had a mash up of their favourite armour pieces and most guardians looked unique but now all you see is the new raid gear, Iron banner or ornaments. You can't expect universal ornaments to solve this issue, If u do then you should of just stayed with Activision. Ornaments are great but SO is all the rest gear that is in the game. Its not like this affects the grind for the gear either, we still have to do the 980 and pinnacle stuff to get a good roll but then we could infuse it into say something like the mercury set from year 1. We could pick and choose the armour we want to look how we want which was and still is big selling point for the game for a lot of people. This would be one of the best feature added to this day, DIVERSITY AMONGST GUARDIANS .



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  • 由Endoproxy编辑: 11/10/2019 10:08:55 PM
    I gave up on looking the way I want because the whole system is rigged. First, they make shaders consumables which is total bs. Now they allow you to use ornaments on armor (very limited). Again this solves nothing. Much like other publishers, they create a problem to provide a solution for but on their terms. If people want premium ornaments great but that shouldn't be the only option. As for the new armor, I think a point system would be much better. Each upgrade level gives you X amount of points to allocate. Really that is how it should be in the first place so...I don't know, you can actually tailor your builds! That is after all why they said they were doing armor 2.0 in the first place. Unfortunately, it just isn't implemented very well, relying on RNG for stat rolls is a crapshoot. This is actually even worse with the seasonal sets as you can only grind for them during the season. Off-topic but that's the same issue with weapons, you only have the season to grind for them...BS! (1) Shaders should not be consumables (2) All armor should be able to be applied as an ornament (with maybe the exception of specialized armor like prime) (3) Each armor upgrade should give you points to allocate as you wish to each stat. This wouldn't solve everything but would greatly improve your ability to customize your character as you want.



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    1 回复
    • it'd be nice if we could Reroll Stats on armor



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    • Worse stats it is. Thanks for the feedback. Also master working now requires ascendant shards for each level of infusion.



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      2 回复
      • Have you applied ornaments to your armour? This solves this problem.



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        2 回复
        • The whole stat system should be made non-rng. Bungie should make it so every upgrade level gives you 5 points to spend and level 10 adds an extra 5. then get item will give you 55 points to use for stats how ever you want. then add a system to allow you to keep upgrading gear (with mats from raids/980 nightfall/win steaks in pvp) for higher and higher costs until you reach 100 total stat points. but this will never happen because it would tie the rewards to effort and skill rather then luck. I'm calling it now that year 4 (if the game even survives that long) will change our stat pools from 1-100 to 1-200 and gear will start dropping with stat ranges from 90-130 to make sure people have to grind new gear... because making content is hard but making people grind new gear for a false sense of power progression is easy.



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        • 4
          One of the major points of armor 2.0 was supposedly to let you look how you want... Turns out its mainly all eververse (phenotype is non eververse) . Who would've thought we would get anything more. Typical bungie.



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          1 回复
          • 💯



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          • Agree there needs to be something. But their answer is Eververse...



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          • It doesn't NEED to change, but it'd be nice if it were to.



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          • i'd be happy with just a "proper" transmog system tbh, made the mistake of masterworking some armor and now i see that its just not worth it if/when a stat upgraded armor piece follows later on, its more of an issue because you dont get any stat increase whatsoever until the armor is fully upgraded, i wouldnt care so much if you at least got incrimental stat increases as soon as you have to use enhancement prisms, but nope, its an all or nothing situation and currently its more of a "[i]well ok then, ill take nothing[/i]" for me tbh.



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          • 由superluigi6968编辑: 11/10/2019 2:05:30 AM
            Bungie: Universal Ornaments are ornaments that you can apply to any armor. Also Bungie: But only Eververse Armor Sets will be used as Universal Ornaments Players: What about the Solstice suit? Bungie: No P: Raid armor? B: No. P: Iron Banner armor? Come on, you gotta have old IB armor as ornaments for at least the new IB armor B: Nope P: [exasperated playerbase noises]



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            5 回复
            • Bungie, make this happen.



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            • Agreed



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