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11/20/2019 4:44:27 AM

Jotunn and Le monarque quest not giving progress on forge frames

Recently completed tatara and hammerhead at izanami forge and i didnt get progress with the Le Monarque or Jotunn quests dont know if other people are having this issue or not but i thought i would report it anyway



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  • Weapon frames each require completion at a specific forge in order to count towards the quest. Like, Hammerhead actually requires Volundr forge. The reason for that is back before New Light each weapon required a specific forge just to create in the first place. For some reason Bungie decided to keep that nonsense for this quest despite forges being put on a rotation and allowing any weapon to be made at each forge. I made a similar post about this same issue and that was what I was told. Also, Bergusia counts towards the quest for all weapons so it’s best to just farm that when it comes into rotation



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