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由Relue117编辑: 11/20/2019 2:02:20 PM

Ballistic Logs still disappearing [Bug][Steam]

Since the last update (so on the last two weekly resets), I have lost all of my Black Armory Ballistic Log quest items, the items used to obtain Legendary weapon frames from vendor Ada-1. In the past this has never been a problem for me, and the Ballistic Logs I had would stay in my quests list, which I believe to be the SOP for current-day Destiny 2. This has changed somehow since the last update because for the first time since this latest season began, I have had to farm for Ballistic Logs, just to have them disappear by the next reset. From what I gather, this should no longer be an issue, but let me know if I am wrong. As an aside, I don't particularly like how Legendary weapon frame quests that I am working on disappear as well on the weekly reset. Putting a one-week time limit on the quest is misleading because the quest fails and should give back a Ballistic Log per each active quest. I would prefer it if the quest failed at its stated time limit instead of at the weekly reset. Also, as another aside, I, too, am failing to progress on the Jotunn weapon quest line, so it really is bugged. Several (though not all) of the frames that I have forged failed to give me progress on that quest.



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