Hello all! I am the clan leader of the reborn clan made from our old clan Fellowship of Memes. We did all content in year 1 (including that sweet sweet LOA skin) and hit the 100 player max limit in our clan which was consistently active.
My plan is to bring that back once again, I am on our day 3 or 4 (i forgot) trek of advertising and we are now at 11 members with many of our old members coming back soon as well. We do PvP pretty much all week, as well as gambit, exotic quest runs, challenges, destination content, and we are starting back up for our first raiding weekend on Sunday~
Our discord is where we do pm everything and has a convenient little Destiny bot that helps us as well. Join us, for the memes need you!
Here is our bungie.net profile: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4042942