Let's put it this way: It takes about half a mag to kill a simple trash mob. A Handcannon takes 2-3 shots.
Also buff Breakneck plz.
I don't think they are bad in PvE. The main issue is that there are not many energy autos in the game that are worth using. I'd love to use my Izanagi/Osiris Auto with Subsitence and Multi-Kill Clip/Wendigo. The only issue is that the Osiris Auto is in the kinetic slot. We simply need autos that can role with very good roles in the enery slot. Now this is for PvE. PvP not so sure.
When D1 launched autos were strong, then nerfed into the ground. When D2 launched autos were strong, then nerfed into the ground. I don’t think Bungie really likes having autos be the meta which is unfortunate because there are so many cool autos in the game. Hopefully they will address the awful DPS output and maybe someday we’ll see autos be viable again.
[quote]Let's put it this way: It takes about half a mag to kill a simple trash mob. A Handcannon takes 2-3 shots. Also buff Breakneck plz.[/quote] Monte Carlo still shreds
Also i want to add u are steam player. Its always PC players who want bufs-nerfs. Care only about dmg and dps because on PC everything is laser accurate and without feedback. There is a clear line between smg and autorifle on PS4. SMG-s are much harder to control with sticks than auto rifles and auto-s have also better auto aiming for crit spots.
About half a mag my ass. 2-3 shots in a handcannon is “about half a mag” in some archetypes anyway.
由THE BROD1E编辑: 12/16/2019 1:19:00 AMI have been an auto loyalist since the beginning of D1. Can’t play without them. I just got back to D2 after playing a bit at launch so I can’t really speak for D2, but this is the worst Auto Meta I’ve ever seen in Destiny
Put elements on primaries again and that should solve things, never should've changed that in D1
Or a handcannon can hit the crit spot and they die instantly. Pvp, Auto's still suck ass. They kill a little faster but they don't win battles like a hand cannon does. The thought of bungie making autorifles fire in a circular pattern is stupid.
Agreed 100%. 360 Autos need a stability buff 450 Autos need damage buff and a slight stability buff 600 Autos need a slight damage buff and slight stability buff 720 Autos need a big damage buff Personally I would remove 720 Autos and just make all current 720 Autos into 600 Autos but I know some people like the 720 Autos so that wont happen.
Have u tried sweet buissiness, it’s pretty damn good rn, I mean 40 kills 2.5kd good, autos are fine lol no fixing needed