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12/28/2019 8:29:59 PM

VIP Recruitment - Xbox - LF New Members. Accepting Kinder and Above - Active Discord - Friendly Voices - Sherpa’s Available - LF ALL Types Of Players

VIP is recruiting New Members! We have a Primary raid group but Clan rules are First Come First Serve! We are looking forward to getting more Raid Ready Guardians as well as New Guardians and Everyone In-between. We are a pretty laid back group and we tend to be more adult oriented. That being said we have only 2 Requirements. Must have or be willing to get Discord and be at least 16+ and mature. We are looking for ALL types of players (other than rude) to enjoy the game and the many aspects it offers! We have a few Sherpas (as well as some in training) but more are always appreciated! We are looking for PvP Players and PvE alike. We are diverse and we generally get along like a family. We are VIP and You Could Be Too.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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