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由Arrothon编辑: 1/13/2020 9:38:44 PM

Hard Truths, and PvE

1.Hard truths 2.Main Topic 1. “Hard” Truths: I think for anyone who truly cares about Bungie/ Destiny you “love it”, and will support it sink or swim. D2 is in a great place, that is looking at it from where it use to be. Sadly it’s still not where it could be. PvP needs some fixing and PvE though great needs something else. Eververse (a topic for another day), is putting a bad taste in too many(?) people’s mouths.... I believe over the next several months bungie needs to revamp PvP and PvE activities, (in that order). Personally I would gladly lose a season to see such things happen... 2. PvE: This post is PvE inspired so lets dig into it. I still think a firefight type mode would work and be great, (endless horde mode). How would it work? The longer you go the better the awards. 1-6 players, the more players the more enemies/ hard enemies. Another more simple idea is putting mini bosses in each planet that drop unique gear, a public event sort of thing, but harder. Not so much an EP, not so much a public event, as we are use to them. (Love or Hate Datto his most recent video (Jan 13, 2020) does shine issues on PvE.



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