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1/14/2020 6:23:18 PM

Exotic Heavy Hand cannon idea

Basically, thought this would be like really awesome if it’s made. So 110, 120, or 130 hand cannon Maxed impact, med range, low stability, high handling and reload speed, Mag of 10 Exotic intrinsic frame: This high powered hand cannon fires explosive shots that stick too walls and can be retrieved *possibly, hold r to swap to a low powered lazer shot that marks targets for a long duration. Marked targets can be seen through walls Exotic intrinsic perk: Shots fired from this weapon track to marked targets, when a shot or mine(shot on wall) is within close proximity to a marked target (abt 4-5 ft) the shot explodes out in a shotgun blast Special perk: Fallen Scavenger This weapon gains a tremendous amount of ammo from ammo blocks, kills with hand cannons increase the amount of ammo recived. Lore idea: Fallen Augmented golden gun taken off of a dead or ghost less gaurdian



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