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1/22/2020 7:49:47 PM

Crows Nest

So there I was in Iron Banner doing my thing I pop around a corner and standing there where 3 of the biggest Titans I'd ever seen stand with a dress wearer so I pop smoke and bounce off, these 4 mice brains chased me half way across the map I dropped a grenade thinking that would slow them down, there was red hate in their eyes all focused on ending my run so I keep dodging jumping all the while their engaged full auto on my ass, bullets, lighting charges, void flack everywhere, then I see it out of the corner of my eye my Crows staged at bravo with the last bit of light I jump my final burst into zone B, the crayon eaters take the bait, My flock was startled of course, but they laid down an assault that crushed all 6 of them, it was glorious. Lesson learned I'm a Crow not a rabbit, what do you call a flock of crows? To be Continued:



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  • Did you know: Crows build their nests with a mouthful of wood fibres, the queen uses the saliva in her mouth to break down the wood fibres until they form a soft paper pulp. She then flies her mouthful of paper pulp to her chosen building site to begin construction of the nest. Worker crows help to form the soft paper pulp into multiple hexagonal cells.



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