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由PHG Crow编辑: 1/23/2020 6:14:48 PM

Crow's Nest

As I open up another cold one and listen to the many triumph of the Iron Banner from my fellow Crow's I'm abound with pride as I gaze upon the many that have dawned the new IB armour and their tales of conquest. The Nest grows quite for a second and I realise everyone is looking at me for my story, "I have but one my fellows Crows" I said "I was in a heated battle with another Hunter one for one shot close quarter, down to a fist fight its either me or him, with the last bit of light left in me, I jump as high as I can and throw the last of my trip grenades", I chuckle at the memory "the dang thing sticks to his forehead, their it is beaming it's light all over the place as he tries to shack it off, then he proceeds to take out his team mate in his last struggle to survive. Did I survive you ask? Let's just say I survived long enough to witness their last breath, death in it self can be a victory. Crow's Know. To be Continued



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