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由TurtleD01编辑: 3/19/2020 3:07:31 AM

2: An encounter with the Everblade.

Billy has spent hours trying to find information on Haxax but wasn’t able to come up with any information. Billy figured that Haxax was being commanded by someone of notable status and they were testing his loyalty. Finding out who was giving the orders was something that Billy was eager to know. The Bubbies aren’t an innocent species but the Krall are much worse. Even if Haxax wasn’t going after a dangerous object, whatever he has in mind probably isn’t much better. Billy walked out of his spherical ship and and watched OffTopic from a distance when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Billy: Now what could that be? Whatever it is it’s moving fast towards OffTopic. Billy ran over to his ship and grabbed his binoculars. These binoculars are very useful because they never shake when they are being looked through. If you were looking through them while standing in the epicenter of of an earthquake they wouldn’t shake at all. He magnified in on the ship and he had no doubt that it was a Krall ship. Their ships are very angular with silver and black coloration. Billy: Time to get down to business! Billy thought it would be best if he traveled over to the ship on foot so any Krall wouldn’t be alerted too soon. He didn’t bring his armor or weapons with him because he could summon them whenever he chooses. The walk would take quite a bit but Billy was doing what he thought was best. Billy was a little bit nervous because he wasn’t sure how many Krall were over there, and the Bubbies are at a height disadvantage because they can only reach 4 feet tall while Krall can get up to 7. After walking for what felt like hours Billy finally made it to where he needed to be. He hid behind a large rock that was close enough to the ship that he didn’t need his binoculars. Billy watched and waited for someone to exit the ship. ???: Once I find this Bubby I’m gonna rip it’s body in half and burn it!!! Billy quickly hid behind the rock. Whoever just said that was right on the other side of it. Billy’s breathing got heavy and his heart raced. Billy had to do something, he didn’t come all the way over here to hide like a coward. Billy: Uuhhh hello! Billy walks out from behind the rock which startled the Krall on the other side. The Krall quickly aimed his gun at Billy. ???: You must be that Bubbby I’m looking for! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! Billy: Just came to see what the enemy was up to. You must be Haxax! Haxax: Yes I am. Why does it matter to you? Billy: You tried to break into the Anomaly Vault, so I’ve been on the lookout for you. I’ve surprisingly not been able to find anything about you other than your name. Who is the one giving you commands? Haxax: I am the Everblade, I work alone. I find distractions to be quite... Distracting. Billy: I can’t argue with you there, but I’m still going to need you to come with me because you are quite the annoyance and you need to pay for breaking into the Anomaly Vault. Haxax: You stupid, fat germ! I’m the one with the gun! You are coming with me! Haxax shoves Billy with the barrel of his gun. Billy grabs the gun by the barrel and tugs on it causing Haxax to stumble forward. Haxax fires the gun a few times into the ground and swings it into the air with Billy still holding on. Billy gets slammed into the ground back and forth for a few seconds until the gun is pointed at his head. Billy quickly summons his armor as soon as Haxax fires and a red blast makes impact with Billy’s helmet, leaving a burn mark on it. Billy: OKAY THEN!! NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! Haxax summons his armor and charges at Billy while repeatedly shooting at him. Billy summons a shield and swings it at Haxax’s gun causing Haxax’s arm to get pushed to the side. Billy summons a gun and fires two rounds at Haxax and they hit his chest plate. Billy jumps at Haxax’s face but he is smacked out of the air very quickly. Billy is confused by how fast Haxax’s reflexes were just then, but then he notices a tattered brown cloth wrapped around Haxax’s waist. Billy: How did you get that?! Haxax was wearing the Speed Sheet which gives its wearer the ability to move at incredible speed. The only problem was that Billy was told that none of the objects from the Anomaly Vault had been taken. Haxax: HAHAHAHAHA!! Like I would tell you! Haxax ran around Billy and kicked him in the back which sent him face first into the ground. Before Billy could get back up he received a sharp blow to the head. He couldn’t keep up with Haxax’s movements and his vision was getting blurry. Billy went to fire another shot but was tossed into the air like a rag doll. He hit the ground and everything went black. Once Billy got back up he looked around only to see that there was no Haxax and no ship. Billy began to understand why Haxax called himself the Everblade... His mind was sharp and his actions were even sharper.



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