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由Flamingo Man编辑: 2/9/2020 6:02:13 PM

Bungie should start to focus on D3

Heck yes. I see more in a D3 future than D2.


No, because.. (Please comment your reason!)


I don't really care


Hey everyone, So am I the only one who thinks that Bungie should start focussing on D3 instead of D2? I love Destiny (and thus D2), don't get me wrong, but I believe that a lot better things could happen / be created if we had a new port. Yes, we would lose all our stuff etc, but personally I don't really mind. I don't have the same connection to the current gear and armor sets as I had back in the D1 times. Next to that, we can't really think that we can keep them forever can we? Just hoping to hear your ideas and thoughts about this. Have a nice day!



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