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由TurtleD01编辑: 3/19/2020 3:08:22 AM

4: Billy’s departure

It was a quiet day and Billy was sleeping in his ship. He needed a break after thwarting the Kralls plan to take the energy of OffTopics core. He figured that the Krall wouldn’t try to do anything for a while.... Billy was wrong. An extremely loud rumbling from outside shook Billy’s ship. Billy fell into the floor and immediately stood back up, shocked by what was happening. Billy: W-W-W-WHAT IS GOING ON!? I’m just tryna sleep! The rumbling was still very strong and Billy stumbled into a table while he walked outside. He was immediately greeted by the Emperor himself. He had come all the way to OffTopic in the Bubby command ship, Rolling Thunder. Rolling Thunder was golden and spherical just like Billy’s, but it was massive. Most likely everyone in OffTopic could’ve seen it if they weren’t blind, and they without a doubt felt the rumbling. Emperor Valgus: We need you to return to our system immediately. The Emperors face was grim, which meant that something bad was going to happen, or already did. Billy was still sort of waking up and the lights on Rolling Thunder were extremely bright. Billy was barely squinting while the Emperor spoke to him. Billy: What is wrong? Is it something I did!? Emperor Valgus: No.... The Krall are making their way towards our system and their army is massive. We need all the Bubbies we can get. The last thing I want is for the Krall to make their way here and attempt to purge this place. Billy: But the people here are strong! We can take on the Krall! Emperor Valgus: I’m sorry, but the Krall are our problem and I don’t want to bring our friends into this war. There is also the chance that you cannot take on the Krall. They have brought their entire army to our system. Billy: We’ve told the Krall again and again to STAY OUT OF OUR SYSTEM!!! We will have no choice but to destroy them all... If we do beat them, it will be the sixth race we have ended.... I’m sick of doing it. Emperor Valgus: I am sorry... But we may not have a choice. You need to prepare for departure. Billy was hoping he would be leaving under better circumstances, but deep down he knew that it would come to something like this. Billy: .......... *sigh* Alright, let’s head home. Billy walked back to his ship, extremely angered by the situation. He wanted to scream, but knew that it wouldn’t help. He didn’t want to leave but he knew he was doing the right thing.... He was not going to let his fellow Bubbies down. Billy knew that this war would decide the fate of his people. Billy(to himself): I’m doing the right thing. Maybe if we win... We won’t have to fight ever again. We can be happy. We just want to be happy.



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