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由TurtleD01编辑: 3/19/2020 3:04:41 AM

7: Arrival to the nest rock

Orûnn had taken a nap while in Gynok’s ship, and his mind swarmed with terrible thoughts. [i]Gray corpses piled up.[/i] [i]Screams echo all around.[/i] [i]Orûnn walks through the bodies and the bodies whisper to him, but nothing he can understand.[/i] [i]Black dust fills the sky.[/i] [i]The cosmos is pierced by red.[/i] [i]Orûnn is dragged to the sky, past the black dust, and is met with hundreds upon hundreds of planets, turned to rubble.[/i] [i]There are no stars.[/i] [i]Orûnn sees the remains of a golden fleet, massive spheres ripped in half.[/i] [i]Off in the distance, Orûnn spots another fleet moving like a wave of black.[/i] [i]And behind them... a god[/i] Orûnn was suddenly woken up by the ship violently shaking. He was thrown out of his seat into the weapon rack across from him. He was still cuffed so he used his legs to get himself back up. He stumbled over to a window to see what was going on outside. Gynok: HEY! Get back in your seat! Orûnn ignored him because he was too fixated on what was going on outside. They were flying along the surface of what seemed to be a massive asteroid, and they were getting fired upon by whatever was on the surface. Orûnn saw another Krall ship pull up beside them and shoot at the ground below. There were holes on the surface of the asteroid that would spew projectiles at them, like the surface itself was alive. Gynok and the other ship located where the holes were and used missiles to blow them up. Gynok pulled his ship to the right to dodge a projectile and went below the other ship while it blasted the hole. Gynok: We’re here. Orûnn saw more ships on the surface, and Krall soldiers in the middle of a firefight. Gynok landed next to them and looked up out the window. He watched the other ship that was with him as its wing was torn off by a projectile and the rest of it plummeted to the ground. Orûnn saw it turn to nothing but a plume of fire. Gynok got out of his seat and grabbed as many guns as he could. Gynok: We’re going out there. Try to run away and I’ll kill you. Gynok tightened the red ring that was on Orûnn’s wrists. Orûnn: You do realize that I will turn on you once I break this, right? Gynok: Yes I do, but I could probably kill you pretty easily if you eve- The entire rear end of the ship is crushed and blown up. Orûnn and Gynok are sent flying to the front window from the force of the explosion. The fire quickly spreads towards them, and they can both hardly breathe from how much smoke is in the air. Gynok shoots a couple holes in the front window and they both jump out, putting themselves right in the middle of the battle. Gynok grabs onto a spiky, winged creature and empties a few rounds into its chest. The creature drops to the ground and black dust flys out of its body. The dust funnels itself into Orûnn, giving him more strength. Orûnn tries to break the ring but he still can’t. Gynok fires at another creature with a gaping maw and long arms. The creature screams and knocks Gynok back into Orûnn. Gynok pulls out a shotgun and fires it right into the creatures mouth. It screams for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground. Dust pours out and it swirls around Orûnn, but it moves past him. Orûnn and Gynok look up to see a massive creature looming over them. It’s face was just a hole, and it’s fingers were long. The creature reached its arm out to grab Gynok, but was rained on my a barrage of Krall artillery before it got to. It roared and released a black laser from its face, destroying two of the Krall turrets, along with the Krall who were operating them. The massive beast turned back to Gynok only to get a rocket launched into its face, and its head exploded. Orûnn received a portion of the dust that came out of the creature, but the rest of it spread out to the others who were fighting. Orûnn had watched Gynok kill a few creatures, but the dust didn’t go into any of the Krall. Orûnn: Maybe it only works with my species? Orûnn used every bit of strength he had to pull apart the red ring. His hands hurt from how much force he was putting on them. He was shocked whenever he tried to pull his hands apart. He powered through the pain as much as he could, but it didn’t seem to be enough. If he couldn’t free himself he would most likely be killed. Orûnn: BREAK ALREADY! GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! It BURNS! Gynok: What are you doing!? Orûnn: YOU SHOULD’VE KILLED ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!!! Dust swarmed around Orûnn as he tugged on the ring. Gynok fired on Orûnn, but the dust seemed to block his rounds. Gynok ran at Orûnn, but didn’t get very close before he was pushed back by the dust. Once the dust dissipated, Orûnn looked at his wrists... He was free. The ring lay broken on the ground in front of him. Gynok got back up only to see Orûnn running at him. Gynok summoned a red sword and swung at Orûnn. Orûnn couldn’t react fast enough and lifted his hands in panic. He felt the sword swing down on his hands... But it wasn’t cutting him. Gynok looked in shock as Orûnn pushed back on his blade. Orûnn: You really should’ve killed me.
#Offtopic #husk



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