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3/11/2020 3:23:14 AM

Recent events are just the penguins going forward on their plans.

I regret to inform everyone that the game developers over at Bungie, have now joined the evil penguin government. The EPG is everywhere. As soon as any politician enters office, they’re taken to the mines and replaced by three penguins in a trench coat. Their ultimate goal is to freeze the earth. They begin by first wiping out the humans who plague their environments. As humans, we interfere with their plans. Their plan begins by dividing the population of earth. They plan to do this by creating controversy in human society, one group at a time. The penguins observed this group’s interests, then commanded the Bungo penguins to create a rule against the interests of the group, in hopes for the internet group to implode on itself, thus making us .00000001% easier to conquer and destroy. Don’t fall for this trick my human comrades! WE WILL NOT BE CONQUERED!



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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