Thank you Bungie for making auto rifles the most unskilled weapon in the game the best. Thank you bungie that the current meta is the most unskilled it has ever been. Thank you that you can't even escape when being low because the bullets bounce of the walls hitting more than actually hitting you in the head. This meta is absolutely perfect for the people who have no hands and are trying to get the lighthouse.
Forgot to mention how trials specifically has such a light advantage its unreal and lets be honest the only people who have that light are PVE players. Coz no pvp player is ever bothered about light. So you needed to delete these players by adding insane light difference.
Do I have to mention this was done all to just allow all those vegies get to the lighthouse? I believe it comes at no surprise and was fully intended as all artifact mods are specifically made for ARs.
Thank you bungie for killing pvp in this game so people who are absolute garbage at this game can get to the lighthouse. DO I have problem with that? No, but the game is in state where you won't last more than 2 hours in PVP currently. And that for me is unreal coming from someone who in D1 has thousands of hours in pvp trials. Was really looking forward to getting back to the game but I can fully say if I had a chance of getting a refund I would.
Thank you Bungie.
And before you say it was a good decision take a look at playerbase. VERY LOW considering that ToO is back which was the most hyped mode back in D1.