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3/21/2020 9:21:36 PM

Third day, still not happening. I either get "verify game files" crash or I can't join my friend's game. (Destiny 2 for Steam))

If anyone could give me advice, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm ready to give up on the game, it feels like I've tried just about everything. I got through the tutorial, I can hangout out at the tower (with my friend even)..but the moment I try to play something else by myself (it crashes, saying verify game file integrity) and if I try to play with my friend, it will either crash on the ships flying in clouds (they just never load) or I'll get into the game and also get the verify game files integrity error. Here are the things I have tried so far (I may forget some, I've been trying to fix it for awhile using other forums and such): - Verifying game files integrity. I started with what the error told me to do, but it doesn't help in the slightest. Tried many times. - Deleting the steam_appid.txt file. It only popped up once, and when I did, I deleted it. It also did nothing and hasn't shown up again. - Setting game priority to above normal or high. Seemed to fix the problem a little longer than anything else, I got to play the game for 1 whole minute! - Deleting everything except for the packages folder, then verifying game file integrity to redownload the other stuff. Did nothing. - Redownloaded the whole game, this time moving it to my main hard drive (Forgot to mention, I was trying to play this from an external hard drive at first since my main drive is really small). It's now on my drive, seemed to be running faster at least. Buuuut..still crashed. - Restarted computer, updated computer + Steam + everything. I think that's everything so far? I just hope it's not an impossible problem to fix. Thank you for reading so far. :)



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