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由Rivihk, Drunken Dutch Lord编辑: 3/28/2020 7:57:44 PM

Memory of Cayde class item, a theory on how to get it.

Let me tell you a story. Once upon the time there was a game called Destiny 2, there was an Exo in game called Cayde-6. Everyone knows him, everybody loves him. Everyone hated what happend to him. But then we got special item too keep him close to us, players. Memory of Cayde: Cloak,Bond,Mark. In the beginning you could get it after completing the forsaken quest line (from Ikora, my friend said it and she's D2 day 1 player and pretty big nerd about it so i trust her on that) After season of Undying i joined up, completed Forsaken, but got nothing. I was devastated, like some others. Grinded like crazy all seasons until today (Season rank 92 if you wondering now) so I grind the game like hell. I got only 1x the bond on my warlock (after spending like 3,5k shards at Rahool) AND my friend dismanteld it by accident. I'm even more depressed now but now i have a theory on why it's so rare. Firstly I read on the forums that it droped from flashpoint heroic adventures on Tangled Shore, I grinded it like hell over 200 kills on barons, speedrunned the trickster in 1:40 like hell. Never dropped. But this season they added Tangled shore loot to the random pool. I get scorned robes like 20x today (no joke) but there it's the idea. I believe you need to unlock it in your collection first, by getting it from Howthorne from clan engrams or from Rahool. After that it gets added to the world random drop so it can drop after it from any source. But thanks to Bungie the drop is really rare (i guess around 0.02% maybe?). If Bungie staff reads it, please increase the drop rate for New Light players. You have big team working on this game. I understand that the game is old but the players base is diminishing. Because it isn't clear on how to get some things. no-anti cheat software or anything. I would love to get exile armor at least to be proud of beign no-life D2 player. But I can't.
#destiny2 #cayde



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