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由Ryftrr编辑: 4/2/2020 10:15:34 AM

Destiny 3 isn't what we need

First of all, if you think D2 is unplayable or unfun, just stop playing it. It's not gonna do anything to whine to the devs about how you "pay their salary" (you don't), etc. Second, if you think D3 will be better than D2 is currently, you haven't played D2 year 1. The first year of D3 (if it even comes out) is doomed to be full of bugs and errors by Bungie, both technical- and design-wise. You could argue they've learned from their mistakes, but then you clearly haven't learned from yours if you do. Third, if you think D1 is better than D2, you are welcome to go back and play it instead. The servers are still up and running on both platforms. (Personally, I think Forsaken brought D2 into a state where D1 has much less to offer that D2 lacks, but again, if you disagree, the D1 community welcomes you). Finally, as a side note, if you dislike Destiny 2, you're entitled to your opinion. That said, your sodium levels are still visibly higher than ours.



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