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由HuktOnFenix编辑: 4/3/2020 1:52:56 PM

Season of the Worthy - Positive Feedback!

Hey Bungie team, Just wanted to give a positive shoutout to Season of the Worthy and how progression was approached. I think tying the bunker progression to bounties is an interesting idea that I really enjoy. Having the completion requirements be either a PvE or PvP (My choice) was a fantastic addition that I didn't really know I wanted. If i'm feeling in the mood for either type of gameplay, I can still make progress with the seasonal content; i'm not forced down one path or another. Allowing me to stack PvP/PvE/Gunsmith bounties alongside these bunker bounties makes me want to dive into the "ritual" game modes much more often and is genuinely fun to do. The other big "feature" I wanted to give praise for was bumping up the LL requirements for a bunch of the endgame/difficult content. Last season I felt like grabbing gear was absolutely unnecessary because of how small of a bump Undying -> Dawn was. I felt like if you collected pinnacle gear during the Shadowkeep/Undying window, you were basically set for most things that came during Dawn. It led me to poke my head into the game for exotic quests, but that's unfortunately about it (RIP Saint-14 ornament armor). In Worthy, I feel much more motivated to push for higher LL between Trials returning and the Legendary Lost Sectors, and gives me more engagement with the game again. I'd love to see the bounty system continue to influence the seasonal progression like it is now. Keep up the great work!



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  • 由Artisan编辑: 4/3/2020 3:40:37 PM
    A joke???? We can all agree bounty choice for PvP or PvE is good, yes. After that... Bounty after bounty as major seasonal content is not remotely a good thing though. It's not good enough for paid content. A week+ chase for psuedo-progression? Endlessly bumping up the LL is just a mouse wheel, we got nowhere and on top of that it results in a major resource drain + instantly makes 700 possible items devalued which ultimately significantly reduces player choice of loadout. We're entitled to our different opinions but the main listed "positives" here are some of the deeply flawed aspects of the game.



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    1 回复
    • Couldn’t agree with you more.



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    • There's always that one guy that lives for tossing bungie's salad, lol



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