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4/8/2020 1:12:41 AM

I’m trying to figure out RP here....

Hey folks. I’ve Rp’d on this forum for a while but I’m unfamiliar with the current state of things. Any group I’d be able to join? Or could anyone give me the low-down? Thanks!



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  • I think deep down we all are. We all are trying to search the world and deep into our self to see if we are truly acting as our self or role playing someone else in our daily routines to avoid the scorn of the nature of society. But do not fret for there are many people you can call for help. Consulers and the like seek to help you unlock your inner self so you dont have to wear a mask of doubt when presenting yourself to others. Although I doubt a gaming forum is the right place to seek help. [spoiler]I mearly jest. I am weary of bordem and only seek to lessen my burden. Now to actually answer your question, Role playing here is less like you would find at a table top game or other places. It is a possibility that the current version evolved from people playing there Internet personality but I hath not been paying attention and even been around at the beginning to truly finish my work on the theory of offtopic. Roleplaying here is strange. It is usually interactions between different characters with no concerns for rules. Although power levels vary they tend to be on the higher side. Although there have been multiple attempts to create rules non have been successful. Observing might be the best way to learn.[/spoiler]



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  • As far as RP goes, its a lot of bulls***ing with a few dnd stylised folks around. There have been a few attempts at somehow organizing different chunks of it but those havent succeeded much. As far as story, there's this existential thing called the deep that sprung up early last year, its been a recurring adversary, one of many forms, there's numerous side stories too.



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    • It varies widely, but the main gist is some people do it freeform, which tends to lean more toward your whims, and some people roll a d20 on everything you do—without any modifiers or stat factoring.



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      • Lali--blam!- [spoiler][b]YOU WILL NEVER REACH TRUTH [/b][/spoiler]



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        • [quote]A lot of god modding, not a lot of cleverness, but some pretty good DM's running things.[/quote] ^Wyoming



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          • One word.... [u][i][b]SURVIVE[/b][/i][/u]



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            2 回复
            • Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you part of the Digital Dojo?



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