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由SirPork711编辑: 4/22/2020 4:56:00 AM

WTF were they thinking when then decided: "Public event seasonal activities"

Seriously.... WHY!!! It is the most difficult activity in the game because there is never enough people to play the damn thing. Honestly, yeah. I'm a bit salty cause I just played about 4-5 in a row and have f$@# all to show for it. I got 6 warmind bits for each failed attempt, mostly rare loot and one legendary. Brilliant. To say bungie has dropped the ball is an understatement. They have grabbed the ball and tossed it into a volcano (thanks dunkey for this sentence). How have they fallen so far from? The menagerie was the best thing ever because of two things. 1) Your time was awarded with... LOOT. 2) You could matchmake into the activity. How did they forget this. Bungie knew this in both season of undying and season of..... Geez, I forgot. Not a very memorable season tbh. Anyway, how did they forget this now? Come on Bungie. You guys are better than this



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