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由Prehistoric编辑: 6/19/2014 4:45:46 AM

Which Guardian class are you? (Quiz)

Made it myself, which is probably why it's royal sh*te. But take it anyway, there's only 10 questions. Obviously, I created the test, so I know how to manipulate the end results. I'd hope I was a Hunter, though. Take the time to answer the questions honestly, without prejudice. Often times, the answer you think will lead you to the class you want will lead you in the opposite direction. Have fun, guardians. Edt: Titan seems to be the prominent choice, here. Most of you are probably subconsciously Titan-esc. Keep on mind, I didn't just use my own personal knowledge to create questions. I based the answers off of factual neural connotations that I researched myself... Such as colours and fruits. Subconsciously, you are choosing what class suits you.



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