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5/9/2020 9:11:22 PM

Restricted from crucible after power outage

Last night I was playing competitive with 2 of my friends, when my power went out and I got kicked out of my game when my console turned off. This was the first time I’ve even logged on to D2 since the first day of guardian games and even before then I really haven’t been playing much of D2 at all. I’ve mostly been playing Destiny 1 and focusing on schoolwork. So naturally I was surprised to see a message saying I was banned from crucible for 2 months after I logged on today... I know no one can really do anything about it, but I wasn’t lagging at all yesterday and I try to avoid playing if other people are using my WiFi. So is losing power during a comp game enough to get banned for 2 months, but hacking and reviving yourself hundreds of times in trials isn’t enough to even get a warning? Like I’m just surprised by how that works. I haven’t really been enjoying D2 all that much lately, hence why I’ve gone back to D1, but I actually had fun last night with my friends. And I was planning on playing it today, but it looks like that’s impossible now. I’m really starting to wonder if I should just stop playing Destiny 2 altogether...



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