I've only got something around 100 - 150 hours logged on destiny 2 but, hear me out. I enjoy the game, I enjoy being able to farm up for items like exotics that have special perks to help me in PvP, I'm a massive PvP player. Destiny 2 is fun and I think it has a lot of potential as a game, but... I'm just not seeing it as something i can replay, I play the game get my full load out and then what? Do strikes or PvP? The PvP is so repetitive and besides what am I even striving for in the PvP? Nothing special maybe a shader and glory rank, what am I striving for when I play the real game? Nothing special just a gear set and cool exotics, I wish there was more player interaction in D2 and a player economy, maybe some more MMO like features and some real things to strive for in the PvP. I feel like I need more things maybe challenging things that take my time away and get me intrigued and immersed into the game and its community and playerbase as a whole. (TLDR THE GAME TO ME CURRENTLY FEELS AS IF ITS JUST A STORY GAME THAT WAS COMPLETED FOR ME AND NOW ALL IVE BEEN LEFT TO DO IS MAKE MEANINGLESS PROGRESS AND PVP FOR NOTHING)
Every player has different expectations for what they want from games. There are no games that are going to satisfy all players, and that is fine. Destiny may not be a no-life game for you, may just be something you jump into from time to time, or you may just play it once and leave.
I think what helps make Destiny a bit more alive for players is being in an active clan. Then you have a supply of active players to interact with and play the game with. You could then tackle the raids, various Nightfall difficulties, dungeons, etc. There are also a lot of powerful rewards tied to content completion and quests that you likely haven't done yet.
But yes, you would be correct that the game doesn't really provide anything for a solo player to easily interact with other players. And what in-game interaction tools are available, most players simply have them turned off or ignore them. That other player interaction really only comes from the effort you make of finding an active clan or utilizing LFG sites.