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由Silver编辑: 6/15/2020 6:00:51 AM

Pre Ordering Beyond Light - not getting the emblem/ghost *fixed*

So, I'm an xbox player and I preordered the delux edition of Beyond Light through the microsoft store before opening destiny, I have it installed, but when I'm in game (looking at the expansions tab of the eververse store) it says i havent bought it. Clicking on the DLC and pressing the "GET IT NOW" button diverts me to the microsoft store again where it says; "It seems you already own this, i hope you're enjoying it~" or something along those lines. Anyone know how to fix this, or is it a waiting game till I get my stuff, am i now $100 down the drain or what? I can take photos later on if needed. **Edit: So after a few days of unintalling and reinstalling the Beyond Light dlc and it's packadges, today after uninstalling the packadges they turned into two different packages to what they were before (and a dlc file), when I reinstalled the 3 new files Master Rahool had my pre-order bonuses. This also fixed the expansions screen in Tess' shop. Thanks for all the helpfull comments guys. :P**



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  • I’m having a similar issue with the game telling me I haven’t purchased it and xbox telling me I have, but it hasn’t even shown up in my debit card expenses yet. And I even purchased some silver after to see if that would do the same thing and it worked just fine and showed up on my bank app instantly.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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